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Thursday, 12 December 2013 22:01

After the historic phone call between Obama and the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Rohani, states that followed the tractive diplomatic ties with Tehran, and the United States, France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany (P5 + 1) and Iran have finally reached an agreement on the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic.

Published in Middle East

On last 30 of September, the first sample of the new Airbus A400M took its first flight over Seville skies. It’s a flying colossus, a strategic transport aircraft jointly designed by European industrial companies EADS and Airbus. Among all countries that ordered this new aircraft (Belgium, France, Germany, Luxemburg, Spain and United Kingdom) France is the first beneficiary. 

Published in Europe

Everyone knows what the “global surveillance disclosures saga” is about, everyone knows when and how it started; but how many people could say how is it going to end? The answer is nobody, actually. Nevertheless, formulating a kind of prevision is not out of our hands.

Published in North America

From politics to the media-world: “fights” on Snowden’s revelations are spreading all around. That’s what is happening in the UK in the last couple of months, where a kind of a quarrel came up between the right-winger headline The Daily Mail and the politically independent The Guardian. At the same time the GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) was dragged to the dock by Snowden’s revelations published on The Guardian accusing the agency of having supported US espionage activities by controlling Italian government and its citizen’s communications, The Daily Mail began a harsh campaign against The Guardian guilty of providing a handbook to potential terrorists willing to harm Great Britain. In an ironic drawing, The Daily Mail pictured a newspaper seller handing out a copy of The Guardian to a man wearing a balaclava and, on the newspaper table, an advertisement says: “The Guardian – Secrets of MI5 and CGHQ – read all about it”. On its side, The Guardian has received support from many international headline editors asserting that what The Guardian has been doing is a clear expression of democracy end a clear example of freedom of speech and expression principle.

Published in Europe

Snowden cyclone has been hitting European and Euro-Atlantic political relationships again in the last few weeks, and the Great Britain found herself in the middle of it. The political atmosphere started becoming really tense when Snowden affirmed that French, German, Italian government and about other thirty world political leaders have been spied by the NSA; but it got even worse since, according to the latest revelations as the Daily and Sunday Express reported, British 007s have been cooperating with US secret services in gathering data form the Italian government and phone and spying on Italian citizens phone and internet traffic on a huge scale. Simultaneously the BBC impartially claimed that such wiretapping were just a little piece of a greater security operation called Tempora leaded by the British GCHQ agency (Government Communications Headquarters) linked to the NSA PRISM activities.

Published in Europe


Monday, 11 November 2013 23:02

At this time a news release is really important: ( "The Italian secret services, from now on, every time you have to deal with sensitive data of their citizens, must notify the all'Autority for privacy. It is the pivot around which the Memorandum of Understanding between the Guarantor and the Delegated Authority for the security of the Republic Dis signed today in Palazzo Chigi. "

Published in Italy


Saturday, 28 September 2013 22:58

Yesterday historic day for international diplomacy , President Obama phoned his Iranian counterpart Rohani . It is the first direct contact between a U.S. president and an Iranian since 1979 . A call was Barack Obama, the day on which the new leader of Tehran has imprinted to promote dialogue by saying that "We will present a close-up on nuclear power already at Geneva on 15 and 16 October . A table which will participate along with 5 +1 without placing any preconditions.

Published in Middle East

Interview to Rohani by Christiane Amanpour

Thursday, 26 September 2013 00:58

Watch Amanpour's interview with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on CNN International on Wednesday at 1400 ET / 2000 CET

By Mick Krever, CNN

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday delivered his first English-language TV message to the American people in an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour.

Published in Middle East

«On the basis of the evidence obtained during our investigation […] the conclusion is that, on 21 August 2013, chemical weapons have been used in the ongoing conflict between the parties in the Syrian Arab Republic, also against civilian, including children […] The environmental, chemical and medical samples we have collected provide clear and convincing evidence that surface-to-surface rockets containing the nerve agent Sarin were used». These are UN’s inspectors’ conclusions contained in an expected 41 pages-report on August slaughter in Damascus.

Published in Middle East

War on Syria: illegitimate option

Tuesday, 17 September 2013 18:38

With just the threat of military action, America was able to push the apparently immobile political situation in Syria towards a decisive stage.

The Russian axis adopted a strategy that aimed to deprive the US from any legitimate reasons to launch an attack against Syria.

Published in Middle East


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