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The economy of Gaza is collapsing , while the demolition by Egypt of smuggling tunnels along the border of sand that separates the two areas, the demolition of the tunnel is added to the flight of investors and donors fleeing a conflict zone. The Palestinian economy could shrink dramatically this year after an average annual growth of around 9 % during the 2008-2011 period.

Any proposed development of the Palestinian economy which is free of a possible lifting of the restrictions imposed by Israel is misplaced as it is expressed to the Palestinian minister for economic affairs Naji Jawad and added the "international community must intervene on Israel in order to afford access to our natural resources ." Israel for its part is concerned that a possible economic downturn could result in renewed violence in the West Bank Palestinians impoverished could trigger riots against the occupation.

The economy in the West Bank has decreased for the first time in a decade in the first half of 2013 , according to a report this month the World Bank , the main reason was that the Israelis containment curbs that prevent Palestinians access to resources natural. The Israeli restrictions affecting much of the economic life of Palestine. Israel controls all access point , overseeing all imports and exports and also create bureaucratic obstacles that stifle and kill entrepreneurship.

The Israelis also impose strict limits all'approvigionamento water with repercussions both in the agricultural and industrial sectors. Israel also did not allow the Palestinians access to 3G mobile technology complaining about safety concerns making many smartphone apps largely unusable. The slowdown is also evident in the "wealthy" Ramallah, the administrative capital of the Palestinian Authority . It all started this summer when the Egyptian soldiers have laid down their president , a friend of the group Hamas, which controls the coastal strip, and then began to demolish 90% of the tunnel from which the Gaza government derives 40-70 % of its revenue. With Israel controlling 60 % of the territory of the West Bank, including the most fertile land , the Palestinian Authority has grown thanks to the pro-Western foreign aid, but today the donors refuse to subsidize further the Palestinian economy if they do not see "a political horizon" that would give an end to the conflict that now appears never-ending.

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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