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Bakwa – Afghanistan

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Two Italian AMX fighter based out of Herat destroyed the military last May 19 a powerful booster for radio communications, placed by the Taliban in the hills of the district of Bakwa. 

The repeater was located accurately by the intelligence of the "Regular Command West" and the high-resolution images acquired by the "Predator B 'unmanned vehicles.

The action fits into a concrete response to the fighting season announced by the Taliban to disrupt the election of a successor to President Karzai. 

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Sergio Giangregorio

Degree in Political Sciences and International Relations. Specialized in "Speculative models and educational researches in multimedia interaction of I°and II° level", adjunct university professor in investigative subjects with specific expertise on security in urban areas, on intelligence methods and peacekeeping. Communications expert in extreme situations.

Investigative journalist and intelligence analyst, he developed many strategic studies of all theather of war as the balcanic conflict, the Afghanistan's war and conflicts in Iraq and North Africa.

President of the European Center of Orientation and Studies (CEOS).

Director of the monthly magazine on line "Convincere".




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