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Cold War's winds have hit on Russian-American relations. On May 14, the Russian secret service arrested in Moscow one American "007" of CIA, later identified as Ryan C. Fogle. Fogle, undercover as a member of the American Embassy, is accused of having attempted recruitment of informants and contacts on behalf of the Agency. Apparently his equipment consisted of a large sum of money used for enrollment, a diplomatic passport, and some kit of tricks and wigs to change rapidly identity.

Moreover, according to the Russian network "Russia Today" on Fogle was found a piece of paper with which he promised more than 100 thousand dollars in exchange for information. Declared "persona non grata", Fogle was returned to the U.S. Embassy, but tough was the reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation who has held the CIA operation as a "provocative action in the spirit of the Cold War."

It is not clear what were the reasons that led the CIA to seek informants in Russia. According to one of the most credible hypothesis, one of Fogle's tasks would be to discover sensitive information relating to the investigation of explosions that continued in the Boston Marathon, information apparently not revealed by the Russian secret services. Although there's no official confirmation, it is clear that the arrest of Fogle is a serious diplomatic incident whose consequences could not only lead to a serious tightening of relations between the two countries, but also compromising the investigation on the assassination.  

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

Consultant Services Stuarding and security checks.


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