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Elections in Iran with attack on Google

Thursday, 13 June 2013 18:52

At eight o'clock this morning (now Iran) ended the campaign for the presidential election. The political clout of the six candidates (two candidates withdrew at the last second by giving their support to fellow party members remained in the running) is quite balanced and can not therefore make any predictions, will be decided by the vote of the 50 million eligible and is supposed to arrive on the ballot that, in the event, will be held on June 21.

Published in Middle East

The AMX Task Group "Black Cats" in over 6000 hours of flying night and day were able to photograph the area of influence to the east of Herat all routes, and paths of Insurgents allowing it to complete the mapping of corridors used by law hostile.

The collected data were processed by analysts image office AZ - ISR which subsequently produced a useful strategic plan on the surveillance and reconnaissance of the dial concerned.

Published in Asia & Pacific

The Syrian crisis after Al Quseir

Sunday, 09 June 2013 19:00

There are several expected consequences of the battle in Al Quseir, especially the reaction of the anti- Syria group that hopes to improve its negotiations position before the coming of Geneva II. 

The increasing talk about deployment of Patriot missile batteries in Jordan might be also part of this tactic. However, the talk about Patriot batteries in Jordan is not new, in fact it may already be a reality. 

Published in Middle East

It is well known that the political system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as delineated on paper, the reality is somewhat unpredictable, in the last 40 years there have been so many turns and twists that now the external spectator expects to everything. The Constitution of Iran is a bundle of contradictions: it appears as a modern charter, innovative, a novelty in the world and in history, in fact, the Fundamental Charter of Iran is unique as he said the former president of the Republic Rafsanjani:

Published in Middle East


Friday, 24 May 2013 18:15

For the fifth consecutive day the suburbs of Stockholm are the scene of clashes between residents and police. On 13/05 a 69 year old man was shot to death by police in the neighborhood of Husby, a suburb located about 16 km north-west from the city center, inhabited mainly by immigrants. The man allegedly threatened police officers with a large knife, which would then react to aggression. As was the case in other European cities, the incident has resulted in a series of violent reactions by local citizens, sparking riots in other poor neighborhoods in Stockholm.

Published in Europe

Cold War's winds have hit on Russian-American relations. On May 14, the Russian secret service arrested in Moscow one American "007" of CIA, later identified as Ryan C. Fogle. Fogle, undercover as a member of the American Embassy, is accused of having attempted recruitment of informants and contacts on behalf of the Agency. Apparently his equipment consisted of a large sum of money used for enrollment, a diplomatic passport, and some kit of tricks and wigs to change rapidly identity.

Moreover, according to the Russian network "Russia Today" on Fogle was found a piece of paper with which he promised more than 100 thousand dollars in exchange for information. Declared "persona non grata", Fogle was returned to the U.S. Embassy, but tough was the reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federation who has held the CIA operation as a "provocative action in the spirit of the Cold War."

Published in North America


Saturday, 18 May 2013 14:16

The European Union has undeniably made a lot of progress since that day, the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

Almost every aspect of national policy is now determined from Brussels with the European Council and the European Parliament.

The EU now even has its own Foreign Service and is discussing to create your own intelligence and federal police.

After ten years of arduous negotiations, Croatia from July 1, 2013 will become the twenty-eighth member of the EU and will enter the Schengen area by 2015.

Published in Europe


Thursday, 16 May 2013 15:13

Mali elezioni rinviate Africa UpdateElections in Mali scheduled for July 7 have been postponed to July 28 for several organizational reasons, due to the difficult internal situation. There are reports about the destruction of election materials, including electoral rolls, by Islamist groups in the north of the country.

Published in Africa

ISLAMABAD - During national elections, on May 11, the coastal city of Karachi (Sindh province) was hit by a brutal terrorist attack in the Quaidabad's district. Pakistani sources report that a large quantity of explosive has been placed on an auto-rickshaw thus causing the powerful explosion that caused 10 deaths and more than 30 injured. Target of the attack was the offices of the Awami National Party (ANP) and the party's candidate Amanullah Mehsud, but he remained unharmed. 

Elezioni PakistanThe group called Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) for months is carrying out a violent campaign of terror in the country, particularly in Karachi, primarily affecting government and party offices. Recently, other attacks have occurred in the metropolitan area of Karachi in the areas of Korangi Town, Orangi Town, Lyari, Saddar Town and Mehmoodabad. 

Published in Asia & Pacific


Sunday, 12 May 2013 13:15

Syrian civil war seems able to drag Turkey into its vortex. Yesterday early afternoon, Saturday 11 April, Twin car bombs exploded in Reyhanli, Turkish south-eastern town closed to Syrian border and important destination for Syrian refugees escaping from Assad’s regime. At present, 42 Turkish died, 100 were wounded and 13 Syrian fall victims too. 

Published in Middle East


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