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Saturday, 11 May 2013 13:29

In the U.S. analysts on the Middle East are evaluating the risks that could be caused by more aggressive effort of the United States to overthrow the regime of Bashar Al Assad.

Failure to act could result in the first place that the weapons given to the rebels could end up in the hands of Islamic extremists in the second place, that Syria will shatter into many sectarian groups.

Published in North America

Tension is increased in the Middle East, from the drone shooting down on 25 April to the airstrikes in Syrian territory on Jamraya and Al Saboura; those events undermined the unstable geopolitical balance.

Published in Middle East

Sunday morning May 5 Israeli jets struck for the second time in three days, several military facilities near Damascus, killing dozens of soldiers near the presidential palace.

The air raids have hit the Republican Guard bases and an important military research center in Jamraya that according to U.S. sources should be the main plant of chemical weapons in Syria.

Published in Middle East


Sunday, 05 May 2013 23:42

We can consider the attack in recent days against the French Embassy in Tripoli as the first terrorist attack against foreign interests in Libya.

The attack marked the escalation of the war that is being fought between the government and the militias jiadiste to determine the future direction, and the quality of institutions.

This radicalization of the conflict and the attack on the French embassy, should serve as a wake-up call in order to avoid nullifying the results achieved thanks to NATO intervention.

Published in Africa


Friday, 03 May 2013 20:59

On April 14, the spokesman of MEND (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta) Jomo Gbomo issued the threat that starting from May 31 the Nigerian group will launch a series of attacks against mosques, Islamic institutions and Muslim religious leaders who spread the doctrine of hate, in the course of what has been called "Operation Barbarossa" in defense of Christianity in Nigeria. MEND has been engaged for years, mainly in operations against oil and gas infrastructure and are possible more small-scale attacks in the short term.

On April 19 in Baga (Borno State) has been reported heavy fighting between Islamist militants Boko Haram and Nigerian security forces causing 185 casualties and destroying about 2,000 houses. There is a great number of deaths among the civilian population, probably used as a shield by Islamists, who would find themselves surrounded by security forces. 

Published in Africa

On Thursday 25 April, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) coming from Lebanon was shot down by Israeli Air Force at 4-5 miles from the city of Haifa. The Hezbollah were pointed out as main “instigators”, but the group spokesman skirted the issue declaring he had no official information to spread. Five days later, on Tuesday 30 April, the military arm of the “Party of God” officially sent its denial. In a video message, the group leader Hassan Nasrallah, explicitly rejected all charges, asserting that Hezbollah do not miss the courage to bear the responsibility of any action it makes. Moreover, he counter attacked warning Israel against taking any military action in Lebanon: contrariwise Israeli beliefs, Nasrallah declared, Lebanese resistance would create real trouble to Israeli army, determined to defend Lebanon from any external aggression. 

Published in Middle East

Haifa city (Israel) Thursday, 25 April 2013: around 1:00 pm IDF (Israel Defense Forces) radars revealed the presence of a drone coming from Lebanon – the exactly source is still unknown – penetrated into the national airspace and apparently heading south. As later confirmed by IDF spokesman Brig-Gen. Yoav Mordechai, two fighter aircrafts F-16 take off, intercept and destroy the drone at 1:40 pm, at 4-5 miles from the sea-coast while it was flying at an altitude of around 6000 feet.

Published in Middle East

North Korea dog that barks not bite

Thursday, 11 April 2013 22:04

What does hope to get Kim Jong-un by its aggressive stance for now we can not know. One thing is very likely that he will move risky.

The North Korean dictator is in fact fully rely policy that has imposed the Obama administration called "Strategic Patience".

The United States, however, in response have deployed in the area B2 and B52 bombers, F22 raptors invisible to radar and anti-missile ships and to defend Guam from a missile attack the THAAD system (which is not good news to China).


Published in Asia & Pacific


Friday, 05 April 2013 14:43

North Korea has "officially" informed the White House and the Pentagon of a potential nuclear action, the announcement is a "ruthless nuclear attack." Pyongyang's threats came after the United States agreed to strengthen the defense of the area, with the shift of defense missiles on the island of Guam, where there is an American base, focused attention on the movement of Pyongyang but no alarmism excessive statements, the Pentagon is "a dangerous rhetoric." It is not clear if the North is preparing to shoot, or he's just flexing his muscles, as reported by a South Korean government source.

Published in Asia & Pacific


Tuesday, 02 April 2013 01:41

The war between North Korea and South Korea can erupt at any moment.

North Korea has seen fit to stop all communication with South Korea.

This was the last move (bad) following to increase sanctions imposed by the UN after the third nuclear test took place in February and the subsequent military exercises jointly conducted by the U.S. army on the border of Korea South.


Published in Asia & Pacific


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