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Europe security challenges

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European security services, nowadays; are coming across one of its most serious stages: the challenges of dealing with the recent threats caused by many factors, more importantly the mis-coordination between the various branches of security services in Europe or within the same country.

After World War II, how Europe had effectively managed to build a cutting-edge level of civic society far-off form violence is being threatened today on all stages of its social and civic life. Europe needs to recognize the level of risks resulted from the exposed confrontation with extremism and terrorism, particularly; when ISIS has abnormally made an open invitation to everybody to move so they can use most of the available elements: from activating the dormant cells, to use the failure of integration of some Arabs and Muslims in the European societies, and to exploit the economic and political frustration of many others. The phase through which the world is currently going is seen as an actual complicated phase where most of the risky elements are interconnected. Terrorism including “tools and persons” moves in a “reverse motion”, from Europe to the Middle East. This phenomenon has its negatively exaggerated influence on the power to defy the highly advanced technological mechanisms of the new terrorism. Arabic is not anymore the language used by terrorists, many speak different languages, especially in mother tongue, French and English, have western passports which give them a high freedom of mobility, and unquestionably break the terrorist’s stereotypical image which changes today to include blonde with blue or green eyes, that is not from Arabian origins.  Therefore in fact, it is problematic to think that historic defensive measures would be able to condense the jeopardy or would limit the mobility of the terrorists. Restrictions on visa would decrease the number of legally permitted visitors to EU, but not those who already got in illegitimately.  The security risks, which the Middle East faces today, are moving toward Europe by internal elements, yet sometimes born and raised in Europe. This should push everybody to review the policies that have made many extremists enjoy the freedom of speech to build an empire of hatred and extremism in peaceful societies by making the youth power a real enemy to the European society, where they utterly live and enjoy having its citizenship. Building a new strategy of cooperative security or anti-terrorism should take into consideration the need to drain of the sources of conflicts in the region. Such strategy should include all the places that breed terrorism, above all, Syria. From another side, everybody should be convinced of the urgent need to terminate the political exploitation of the crises in the region in order to get prepared to face the hazards of the coming phase, predominantly; facing the new Mafia groups that effectively operate in the region.  Those represent serious threats to the security services as they seem to be completely involved in various crime sectors such as: “smuggling weapons, drugs, human trafficking, human organs, money laundry, and oil industry”.  In fact, several security reports highlight the risk of certain linkage between those groups and the terrorists groups operating in Syria and Iraq. The new situation would impose thoughtful challenges on everybody and would put the capacity of the security system in a real test, which requires a professional progress in the performance of the security systems.

To conclude, the current situation inflicts a new reality that should urge all the countries to change in order to deal with the existing crisis and its future aftershocks.

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Amer Al Sabaileh

International Public Relation, Goverment Sector, Business and Human Develpoment, Strategic Analysis.

Member of the teaching staff department of the European languages and Studies University of Jordan – Amman.

Doctorate, Italian Studies University of Pisa “ Arabic and Islamic influence on the other’ s life concepts in the Mediterranean area in the medieval age.

Peace Building and Reconciliation University of Coventry, UK

Master’s degree, Education to peace , International Co – operation, Human Rights and the Politics of the European Union.

Bachelor’s degree-higher diploma, Italian and English literature-Douple Major.



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