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Drone Drone

Haifa city (Israel) Thursday, 25 April 2013: around 1:00 pm IDF (Israel Defense Forces) radars revealed the presence of a drone coming from Lebanon – the exactly source is still unknown – penetrated into the national airspace and apparently heading south. As later confirmed by IDF spokesman Brig-Gen. Yoav Mordechai, two fighter aircrafts F-16 take off, intercept and destroy the drone at 1:40 pm, at 4-5 miles from the sea-coast while it was flying at an altitude of around 6000 feet.

At present, Israeli military forces are engaged in the search of any drone fragments, which could reveal key information about the “instigators”, the aircraft features, and the flight objectives. Since there is no certainty, at the moment we can only advance some hypothesis. Even though Israel is pointing its finger at Lebanese Hezbollah, neither claim of responsibility nor denial had come from the “Party of God”: spokesman Ibrahim Musawi limited himself in saying that there is no official spreadable information. Regarding the aircraft features, IDF seems excluding the possibility of explosive contained into the drone: given the small size, it’s plausible it was a reconnaissance drone useful in snatching sensible information about IDF strategic infrastructures.

Hypothesis, indeed. Hypothesis nevertheless justifiable, considering that just over six months ago (6 October 2012) another drone was shot down on the Negev desert. The fact that the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah claimed its “paternity”, confirming the reconnaissance nature of the drone, seems now testifying the track followed by Israel. Furthermore, it can’t be beforehand excluded an Iranian involvement since the 6 October drone component parts, as declared by Nasrallah himself, even if they were assembled in Lebanon, they were provided by Iran.

Anyhow, the only certainty is that the tension level is increasing in the area. So, while the United States are preaching calm, IAF (Israeli Air Force) aircrafts overfly south Lebanon villages and Lebanese troops are constantly on the alert along the frontier.

Drone, hypothetical identification sheet:


Category: Reconnaissance drone.


Hypothetical country of provenance: Lebanon or Iran.


Hypothetical UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles):





Mirsad 1


Drone mainly used by Hezbollah



Drone employed by Hezbollah as well



Drone employed by Hezbollah as well



Possible employment by Hezbollah undocumented

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

Consultant Services Stuarding and security checks.


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