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Drone Drone

On Thursday 25 April, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) coming from Lebanon was shot down by Israeli Air Force at 4-5 miles from the city of Haifa. The Hezbollah were pointed out as main “instigators”, but the group spokesman skirted the issue declaring he had no official information to spread. Five days later, on Tuesday 30 April, the military arm of the “Party of God” officially sent its denial. In a video message, the group leader Hassan Nasrallah, explicitly rejected all charges, asserting that Hezbollah do not miss the courage to bear the responsibility of any action it makes. Moreover, he counter attacked warning Israel against taking any military action in Lebanon: contrariwise Israeli beliefs, Nasrallah declared, Lebanese resistance would create real trouble to Israeli army, determined to defend Lebanon from any external aggression. 

Furthermore, as the Jerusalem Post reported, Nasrallah pointed at Israel as the drone instigator: he considered Israel capable of sending one of its own UAV towards Lebanon before taking it down on the way back in order to ascribe the responsibility to Hezbollah. However, such an accusation seems to be groundless: how would have Israel benefit from such an action? Perhaps, the pretext for a military intervention? Even assuming that Israel would be capable to do so, Israeli choice would be quite illogical: why destroying one own UAV, instead of setting out a military offensive towards Lebanon six months ago taking advantage of the 6 October drone? Rather, the hypothesis, contemplated by Nasrallah himself, according to which a hostile faction sent the drone in order to benefit from an Israeli-Hezbollah conflict, seems to be more acceptable. 

At present, there is no full clarity and it would be necessary waiting the drone fragments recovery operation in order to gain a neat picture.

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

Consultant Services Stuarding and security checks.


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