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The newly appointed chairman Adli Mansour, has promised that he will fight with every means those who are trying to drag Egypt into chaos.

The Muslim Brotherhood in fact they plan to encourage mass protests to demand the return of the ousted Islamic leader Mohamed Morsi.

The demonstrations will aim to demonstrate that the supporters of bites are not yet ready to accept the new government backed by the military.

Mansour in his first public speech said that the main need is to restore stability and security. "We are going through an extremely critical phase and some want to drag us into chaos while we yearn for stability, our priority is the safety and security for the battle must be fought to the end."

Still in shock following the overthrow (coup?) Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood and their allies grouped in the Alliance for National Legitimacy are urging the people to take to the streets.

Today we are witnessing, after an initial net intransigence to dialogue on the part of the Brotherhood, to a softer attitude that is evident in the willingness to negotiations with the military.

EU envoy Bernardino Leon, however, has informed that the parties are still far apart.

It 's very difficult to imagine that the army will allow Bites (currently being held in an unknown location together with his collaborators) to return to power.

The military on the other hand have always denied the accusations of having made a real coup, saying that the army intervened to prevent the chaos triggered by protests against the much-criticized presidential year Morsi among the many accusations Bites to you is to mismanagement of the economy. The deficit has risen sharply and unemployment is over 13%, one thing is certain discontent and dissatisfaction meander through the Egyptian population.

The African Union has warned that Egypt was in danger (danger yet?) To be engulfed by civil war.

At least a hundred people died in the violence that occurred after the fall of Morsi about half fell off when the troops fired on protesters outside a barracks of Islamic Cairo last July 8.

It 's very difficult to predict developments in this situation, it would seem to be facing a nation split down the middle on one side Morsi supporters and detractors on the other, the only thing certain is that, unless the EU and the interventions solvers grouped together, the entire Egyptian people is now in a situation of extreme insecurity and suffering.

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Mario Neri

Law degree, postgratuated master degree in Criminology. 

International law expert and programs relating to the peacekeeping in crisis areas.

Reserve Officer of the Italian Army "Folgore". Intelligence analyst.



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