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Days from Hell in Syria and Iraq: combining together all pieces of news regarding US-led air-operations against the Islamic States (IS), 64 airstrikes have been hitting IS positions since Wednesday, December 24.

Between December 24 end December 25, according to the Combined Joint Task Force, Islamic State’s militias were hit by 39 attacks: 19 were carried out in Syria (17 near the town of Kobane and 2 near Hasakah and Raqqa), while other 20 were carried out in Iraq (near Al Asad, Sinjar, Mosul, Al Qaim, Baiji, Kirkuk, Falluja and Tal Afar).

On Saturday 27, the coalition carried out 12 new airstrikes: in Syria, IS was targeted again near Kobane in 6 raids, while 6 other attacks hit the militias almost in the same areas in which they were targeted on December 24 and December 25 (Al Asad, Mosul, Falluja, Al Qaim and Baiji).

On Sunday 28, the Task Force carried out 13 other attacks: 8 in Syria and 5 in Iraq. Again, Kobane was the epicenter of coalition’s airstrikes in Syria, while IS positions were once again targeted near Sinjar and Mosul.

Airstrikes intensity aside, given the fact that the targets have been almost the same, it would be legitimate to suppose that Islamic State is still capable of controlling and holding its position (at least so far).

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Alessandro Mazzilli

Degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Turin.

Expert in Foreign Policy of Defence and Security and the relationships Euro - Atlantic.

Geopolitical analyst.

Consultant Services Stuarding and security checks.


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