Gli islamisti stanno ormai occupando la Nigeria ne vogliono fare il trampolino di lancio per raggiungere i paesi più piccoli fini a creare una enclave africana dell’ Islam integralista questo giustifica i continui attentati verso i cristiani.
E ‘ il primo passo verso la creazione di un serbatoio di attivisti radicalizzati in grado di raggiungere con continuità l’Europa.
Nigeria has being hit by a new wave of suicide attacks. Even without an official claim of responsibility, Boko Haram – the Islamist group which has killed thousands of people since 2009 – is held responsible.
Sanctuaries in North-East Nigeria – The “safe havens/sanctuaries” issue is relevant in many counterinsurgency/counterterrorism cases. The Taliban in North-West Pakistan, the FARC in the so called zona de despeje in mid-southern Colombia and Salvadorian militias in the mountainous region close to Honduras are just few examples. Boko Haram succeeded in taking territorial control over Borno federal state in North-East Nigeria, made it their safe heaven and started moving west: Yobe and most of Adamawa state fell under their control, while other neighbouring states have been targeted in many raids.
LIBIA Il braccio dell’ISIS in Libia ha rivendicato il sequestro di 21 cristiani copti egiziani provenienti dal governorato di Minya.Il gruppo jihadista ha inoltre diffuso delle foto degli ostaggi, come riportato da Site Intelligence Group. I 21 cristiani, secondo quanto riferito dall’Is, sarebbero stati catturati nello Stato di Tripoli a capodanno. Si aggravano le condizioni di vita dei cristiani in Libia dalla caduta di Gheddafi nel 2011, numerosi gruppi jihadisti presenti nel Paese hanno più volte colpito famiglie cristiane su tutto il territorio. Non si hanno notizie dei due giornalisti tunisini Nadhir Ktari e Sofien Chourabi sequestrati l’8 gennaio da militanti dell’Is, secondo indiscrezioni i due sarebbero ancora vivi. Intanto nel pomeriggio dell’11 gennaio l’aviazione libica ha bombardato obiettivi militari appartenenti alla coalizione Fajr Libya.
Boko Haram continues its terror campaign aiming to the creation of an Islamic state. As we stated in a previous analysis, the possibility of a new entity within Nigerian border has been the focus of debating in within the intelligence community. Like Al-Baghdadi’s Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, this would be the final stage of an evolutionary process. Recent attacks, including those happened in Baga on January 3 and 7, seem to support such idea.
Boko Haram is keeping its “holy war” going in Nigeria: three new attacks left victims on the ground in north-east areas of the Country. Despite the fact that an official claim is missing, Boko Haram is held responsible.
Two attacks (one in Nigeria, the other one in Saudi Arabia) killed Shiite people gathered to celebrate Islamic festivity of Ashura.
A kamikaze is said to have blown himself up in the town of Potiskum, commercially-relevant city in the state of Yobe in North-Eastern Nigeria. Although pieces of news about the number of victims are non-unanimous, it is thought that from 15 to 30 people lost their lives. At present, there is no claim of responsibility but Boko Haram Sunni gunmen are the main suspects.
Anonymous sources in Nigeria said they had had contact with European governments and not for the search of the kidnapped girls from neighboring groups to Boko Haram .
In particular, the U.S., Britain and France have already sent in the area affected military specialists , investigators and former military elite units now used for their previous experience in the liberation of the hostages.
On Saturday 17, French President François Hollande hosted a high level summit in Paris, welcoming his political counterpart from Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, Niger and Chad[1] in order to address the Boko Haram issue, the Islamic fundamentalist group that has attracted world attention on itself kidnapping more than 200 schoolgirls in north-eastern Nigeria last month.
On April 14, the spokesman of MEND (Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta) Jomo Gbomo issued the threat that starting from May 31 the Nigerian group will launch a series of attacks against mosques, Islamic institutions and Muslim religious leaders who spread the doctrine of hate, in the course of what has been called "Operation Barbarossa" in defense of Christianity in Nigeria. MEND has been engaged for years, mainly in operations against oil and gas infrastructure and are possible more small-scale attacks in the short term.
On April 19 in Baga (Borno State) has been reported heavy fighting between Islamist militants Boko Haram and Nigerian security forces causing 185 casualties and destroying about 2,000 houses. There is a great number of deaths among the civilian population, probably used as a shield by Islamists, who would find themselves surrounded by security forces.