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The new president of the Islamic Republic of Iran: promises and before international reception

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Today, 4 August 2013, after having received yesterday the blessing of the Supreme Leader Khamenei, the new Iranian president Hassan Rohani has sworn in front of the Majles during a ceremony which was attended for the first time sent from different countries: the former EU chief diplomat Javier Solana, the presidents of Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Pakistan, and the officer of North Korea Kim Yong Nam.

Hassan Rohani happens to Mahmud Ahmadinejad, who during his two terms has been noted for the closure to the West over its nuclear program and the increased tension with Israel.

In his speech he vowed to "serve the people" and pointed out that with his election the Iranian people has created a great new epic. "I am the representative of the entire Iranian nation," he said, "and the voters voted for moderation distancing themselves from extremism."

Rohani said that "Iran wants to pursue peace in the Middle East and that transparency is the key to creating mutual trust in international relations and as the president elected by the respected Iranian people would like to announce that the Islamic Republic of Iran pursues peace in region. Iran is the place and the center of stability in the Middle East. Transparency is the key to open the doors of mistrust and open that of trust and transparency we are talking about can not be unilateral'' -

The Iranian president, Hassan Rohani said that if the West wants to "the right answer" on the nuclear issue should not use "the language of the sanctions," but that of "respect."

His promises during the election campaign were many innovative and Iran, we must wait and see if it will be respected. The most deserving of attention are:

- Access to Internet easier and less censorship of the web

Rohani has promised to reduce to a minimum the censorship of the internet sites, having noticed how the filters are made futile, and described Facebook as a positive phenomenon. He said that "the era of the digital revolution we can not live in a government quarantine."

- Dress-code female softened

The President has ensured that it is contrary to the pressure of the religious police on women's clothing, which roams the streets in search of veils fallen from his head, clothes and hairstyles inappropiati described as "scandalous".

- Rights of minorities

Rohani said that will take on a consultant to help deal with the situation of ethnic minorities in the country. "We should give more attention to the demands and needs of our minorities." He said.

- More on Civil Liberties

Rohani believes that the freedom and rights of the people have been slightly ignored in recent years and has promised to focus on bisgoni Iranians. "A strong government means a government that does not interfere, decides and acts on any matter, a government that limits the life of its people is not a government strong!"

- First visit of the newly elected president of the UN General Assembly

During September Rohani will have to make the first trip to New York as the new president of Iran. All ears will be trained on his speech and every possible bilateral contact with Western governments will be at stake.

Although the White House has declared that "The election of Hassan Rohani in Iran represents a change request. If this new government chooses to undertake to meet its international obligations, then Tehran will find a partner in the U.S. disponbile", the Israeli government does not is optimistic, in fact, the Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, after hearing the statement of where Rohani said that "The Zionist regime is a wound sets for years to the Muslim world, which must be cleaned up" (inflated by the media that gave meaning warlike) has The President stated that'' can be changed, but the regime has not been replaced! The intention is to develop Iran's nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. It 'a risk to the entire world and we are determined to prevent it "

Meanwhile, Hassan Rohani has been charging for a few hours, the time give you all the expected responses.

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Dariush Rahiminia

Dariush Rahiminia, Bachelor in Investigation and Security Sciences, expert in Investigative Psychology, specializing in Internazional development and cooperation.

His studies are concentrated on intercultural sociology and human rights defense. Born in Italy from Iranian parents, he holds both Iranian and Italian citizenships. He loves studying International Relationships due to his Persian origins and his lots of travels around the world.

Now he is a Criminological Advisor  and a Technical counselor  in various legal practices and for a recovery center for criminals.


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