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Reality Isis

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The Isis has a very diverse staff consists of former military personnel and specialists coming from extreme Islamist Middle East Asia and Europe, as well as their acceded to the Caliphate, even non-experts who recruited through the known channels, pseudo-religious, after a brief training (three to six months depending on your needs) are placed in the ranks of the rebels; make an exact estimate of the number of members is currently impossible, however, we can assume a number that fluctuates between 28,000 and 40,000 men. 

The situation is liquid enrollments are increasing on a daily basis both in Europe and in Syria, Iraq and Chechnya but Isis does not use the barracks or other structures that allow a count, personnel and equipment are mostly scattered throughout the area, with the intensification, then, the American air raid the defensive tactics of the rebels is that of not amassing troops in the same places and then dispersing them to gather only during the attack on a target. In addition, the Western intelligence in a significant delay on the acquisition of reliable information in a timely manner by failing to infiltrate agents into the conflict news are sourced services Jordanians and Saudis, therefore, difficult to verify. 

The Isis continues to have a strong appeal to a part of the population to be well capitalized victories in north-eastern Syria and western Iraq, he got the full support of the Sunni tribes, to whom he has promised a social redemption and bestowed economic resources. 

He can also handle the conquered areas to the satisfaction of the local population beginning to settle a welfare state that provides essential services for the most part absent, winning the consent of the lower classes including former Baathist military. The Caliphate points to the conquest of portions of territory by managing resources and population with the intention of creating an archipelago of military and political influence to unify the second phase. 

This project to fight.

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Sergio Giangregorio

Degree in Political Sciences and International Relations. Specialized in "Speculative models and educational researches in multimedia interaction of I°and II° level", adjunct university professor in investigative subjects with specific expertise on security in urban areas, on intelligence methods and peacekeeping. Communications expert in extreme situations.

Investigative journalist and intelligence analyst, he developed many strategic studies of all theather of war as the balcanic conflict, the Afghanistan's war and conflicts in Iraq and North Africa.

President of the European Center of Orientation and Studies (CEOS).

Director of the monthly magazine on line "Convincere".




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