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Hassan Rohani Hassan Rohani

Today's elections in Iran have elected Hassan Rohani as the new Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic, but who is the new president?

Hassan Rohani was born in Sorkheh in the November 12, 1948. He graduated in law at the University of Tehran, he continued his studies in law getting a doctorate at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. Currently a member of the Expediency Discernment Council and the Assembly of Experts, covering the role of director of the Center of the Expediency Council for Strategic Research. Politically deployed among the ranks of the moderate and centrist. Known as "the sheikh diplomat," was secretary of the Supreme National Security Council from 1989 to 2005 and in this capacity, the chief diplomat for negotiations on Iran's nuclear development.

Initially it was expected that withdrew his candidacy to support the most powerful Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, but because of the exclusion of the latter from the election, the roles were reversed. The symbol of his campaign was a key and its motto is "A government of prudence and hope."

Supporter of the protests of 2009, Ahmadinejad has always criticized the government for the violence used to manage the crowd protester.

His electoral plan is divided into 3 points: Economy, nuclear diplomacy.

He always considered paramount economic problems of Iran, born because of the incompetence of the Ahmadinejad administration. He says that with a well-targeted strategy can be created thousands of jobs.

Having worked as the head of the Iranian nuclear negotiations, is a supporter of Iran's nuclear development. He stated that:

"Iran has only a peaceful nuclear program, managed by international law. A political campaign of misinformation has been perpetrated to believe otherwise. This campaign was directed and fueled mainly by Israel not only to divert world attention from its nuclear program illegal, clandestine and dangerous, but also from its inhumane policy towards the Palestinian state. If I am elected, ribalterò this belief and reinstaurerò international mutual trust. "

Obviously realizing that the economic problems in Iran are primarily derived from enmity with the United States, stated that:

"The relationship between Iran and the U.S. is very complicated. At the back we have a bitter story, full of mistrust, suspicion and animosity. E 'became a chronic wound healing which is difficult but not impossible. From moderate president, I have a plan in phases to reduce hostility towards a more manageable state of tension in order to promote a civil dialogue future interaction between our two peoples, and finally reach the point of mutual respect that our two populations deserve. "

Obviously it's a total change of direction by the ideologies of Ahmadinejad. Rohani, belonging to the clergy, but at the same time moderate, it could be the point of contact and mediation between the two "worlds". Meanwhile, enjoy the support of the people, as we have seen, and on paper its promises seem to bode well for the future of Iran. His politics based on constructive interaction with the world, is perhaps the best starting point to which the Iranian people could aspire.

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Dariush Rahiminia

Dariush Rahiminia, Bachelor in Investigation and Security Sciences, expert in Investigative Psychology, specializing in Internazional development and cooperation.

His studies are concentrated on intercultural sociology and human rights defense. Born in Italy from Iranian parents, he holds both Iranian and Italian citizenships. He loves studying International Relationships due to his Persian origins and his lots of travels around the world.

Now he is a Criminological Advisor  and a Technical counselor  in various legal practices and for a recovery center for criminals.


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